10 FUN things you and the family can do while in quarantine

Are you running out of ideas of what to do while we are all in quarantine? Since we can’t visit our favorite restaurants, travel to NYC and other public places have been shut down in an effort to curb the spread of coronavirus.  

What can we do in this beautiful Connecticut Spring weather? 

We put together a list of 10 FUN things you and the family can do while in quarantine.

  1. Put on a soap opera. Mute the sound. Create your own dialogue – maybe with some wine
  2. Have a space in your home where all of the tupperware goes? Organize it and actually match lids to containers.
  3. Try on all your clothes and determine whether they “spark joy” á la Marie Kondo.
  4. Better yet, go through this process with your junk drawer and supply shelves.
  5. Have a roommate meeting about how to be more considerate of one other, especially while you will likely be spending more time together. Bring baked goods.
  6. Bake those goods.
  7. Watch the films that won Oscars for best picture.
  8. Watch films that won Independent Spirit Awards for best picture.
  9. Watch films that critics say should have won those aforementioned awards.
  10. Read all the New Yorker issues piled on your desk.

 We hope this list helps and share your pictures with us on Facebook @GardellaEliteLimo or on Instagram @elite_limousine_ct

We look forward to be driving you again soon!

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